Project 3 response

Our podcast for Project 3 can be found here.

Hopefully you’re part of the University of Notre Dame so that you can access the audio recording.

After going through the challenges, personally, I don’t think I’ll decide to make any changes in your technology habits.

In choosing between personal privacy and technological convenience, I would say probably technological convenience. I feel this was a tough choice but upon thinking about it, I feel like it was the more convenient choice. I don’t mean I stand more to gain. I mean I feel that having people track whatever you do on their services is inevitable. So I feel it’s just easier to deal with it than wait or try for systemic change.

My thoughts on privacy in general is that for each person it’s different. There will be people who are okay with having their preferences being shared. There are people who have stuff they would rather keep quiet. It isn’t a by-gone relic or some monolithic concept. It’s personal and can’t be–say–enforced through legislation. There are still means to preserve privacy but ultimately it’s your choice to use or not use them.

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